Photo © TR FRY
Me and Jaeger exploring the Pacific Coast of Washington State

Latent: Existing in hidden or dormant form, but capable of being brought to light

Manifest: Easily understood or recognized by the mind

I love a good story. Books, movies, television shows, stage plays, musicals; it really doesn’t matter what form it takes, if it’s a good story, I’m in.

As a documentary filmmaker, my love of story manifested into a love of story-telling. For over twenty years, I’ve traveled the world to document the inspiring stories of others. Now, I’m turning my focus inward to tell the stories of my imagination.

My writing blends elements of magical realism, thriller, and action/adventure, creating a unique kind of upmarket fiction. If this sounds like something you might enjoy reading, I invite you to subscribe to my free Substack newsletter- Latent Manifest.

~ T

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Novels and Short Fiction by TR Fry


Aspiring novelist and delusional human in quantum superposition.